Psychosocial Supports NDIS Psychologist Brisbane

What is psychosocial disability?

Psychosocial disability is a commonly used term used to describe a ‘disability’ that may arise from a mental health condition. It is, however, important to note that everyone who has a mental health condition will have a psychosocial disability. For people that do have a psychosocial disability however, it can be have a major impact on their activities of daily living, be longstanding and impact on their lives in many different ways. People with a disability as a result of their mental health condition may qualify for the NDIS, with the emphasis on ‘may’ – there are a number of conditions that applicants must meet in order to be considered eligible for NDIS funding.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the federal body responsible for administering the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS provides funding to people with a disability based on their specific needs, rather than providing ongoing and specific funding to organisations to provide disability services. This offers people with a disability control over the services they receive including how often, the type of services, where and how they are delivered.

In order to receive funding, there are 2 assessment processes. The first is an eligibility assessment to determine whether someone is eligible for funding. This is based on an application form and with supporting information from the applicant’s GP or treating medical professional. If someone is eligible, a planning assessment is organised by a Local Area Coordinator employed by the NDIS to assist in determining  goals and aspirations and help the participant design a funding package that is tailored to individual needs and meeting goals.

What is a psychosocial disability?

Broadly speaking, Psychosocial disability refers to the ‘social’ consequences of disability and the ways that someone’s life is impacted upon due to mental illness. People affected by Psychosocial disability can find life difficult in many ways including going shopping, catching public transport, getting and keeping a job, communicating with friends and family. People with psychosocial disability find it challenging to set goals and make plans, study, undertake training, maintain employment and participate in social, sporting and cultural activities.

There are a few common conditions that involve significant long term psychosocial impact, and that include:

  • Schizoid disorders such as schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder
  • Anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), agoraphobia and social phobias.
  • Mood disorders such as major and dysthymic depression and bipolar

What services will the NDIS support for persons with a Psychosocial Disability?

The NDIS provide supports and services that will help individuals to:

  • Achieve their goals in their NDIS plan
  • Become as independent as possible
  • Develop skills to support the activities day-to-day living (shopping, banking, getting to and from work or school)
  • Participating in the community
  • Work and earn an income.

These services and supports can take many forms and may be delivered by a number of different providers including disability support workers, allied health professionals including psychologists and NDIS approved organisations who deliver skills based training or groups activities.

If you have an NDIS plan approved for psychosocial services that include sessions with a psychologist, contact On Track Psychology to discuss your individual needs.

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